Hi, I'm Oumar Sall

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What I Do

I was a Math tutor in a past life, now I'm an application developer

More about me

I build new projects for UPS as well as my own personal projects just to enhance my skills and gain knowlegde and love teaching Mathematics.

While I keep busy building projects, I'm still in search of a great team & projects that interest me.


Fullstack developer with primary focus on C#, SQL, HTML, CSS,JavaScript, NodeJS and React: Download Resume

  • C# HTML
  • CSS JavaScript
  • NodeJS React
  • SQL Server Oracle
  • API Window Services
  • MVC websites Web services
  • TFVC Git
  • Github Bitbucket
  • Visual studio VS code
  • Eclipse IntelliJ
  • Windows Linux Unix

Some of my past projects

Windows Form Application

Upgrated UPS Flight Data Acquisition to provide centralized error handling and logging for more than 1,000 FDA workstations

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Windows Services

Designed and Built UPS Windows Services for AQD (Aviation Quality Database) safety reporting tools for UPS airlines

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Restaurant Website

Designed and Built Chez Seneba restaurant website for my community in Louisville to make it known to the public

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